#service dog stuff
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baymaxthehopeful · 2 years ago
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thatonebitxhygayprideflag · 2 years ago
Since Quill is starting his service dog training program soon I have to ask my boss if it’s acceptable to bring him to work with me when he finishes/ is deemed ready by his trainer.
Under the Americans With Disabilities Act title I she is allowed to deny me the ability to bring him because all I’m doing is requesting a reasonable accommodation which is then up to her to determine if it’s a.) actually reasonable and b.) if it would change the work environment to much.
I’m just super fucking nervous that she will just say no instead of considering it. It’s not like I work in a sterile environment or he would cost her anything as I would offer to bring my own crate if needed.
My one fear is that she doesn’t seem to believe in real service dogs and seems to think that all of them are emotional support animals but I can’t tell how true that actually is.
My plan right now is to just write her a letter that she can read on her own time with proof of my disabilities and with the ADA stuff about service dogs in it and let her know basically anything she could ask and tell her that I am happy to answer any questions she has.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 4 months ago
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chiropteracupola · 11 months ago
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in the mood for a modern au. banishing them to Community Theatre.
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frankenjoly · 5 months ago
*knock knock* Hi! I came to deliver some prompts 👀
"you fell asleep." + kunichuu
"can’t sleep either?" + ranpo & anyone of your pick
"take a picture!" + Aya & Bram
hehehe thanks :3 back to splitting it instead of posting all in the same go but damn i love these a lot
kunichuu + “you fell asleep”
When Kunikida opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was how his face was (or had been) buried in his crossed arms, resting on a desk he still struggled to recognize in moments like that.
“You fell asleep.” He then heard Chûya say, as he softly pulled Kunikida’s chair backwards going in for a hug. 
Needless to say, Kunikida instantly reciprocated.
“You technically shouldn’t be here right now, but…” He said, still dangerously close to start dozing off again. At least until Chûya replied with a groan and smacked the back of his head with no actual force. “Hey…”
“You technically shouldn’t be here either, sheesh.” Kunikida opened his mouth to counter that, but Chûya was faster than him. He would blame being half asleep, at least right then and there. “I’ll let you know, since there’s no way you can’t be aware so far, that it’s way past midnight.”
Those words had the same effect as if he had just gotten a bucket of cold water thrown over his head.
“Wait, what? I still have to finish–” Again, Chûya didn’t let him speak, and motioned to pull him up and into his arms. And Kunikida’s face went red, no matter if that wasn’t the first time nor how he was already aware of his partner’s capacity to lift him up like he barely had any weight even without using his ability.
“You can do that tomorrow, after having properly slept.” Chûya then announced, letting out a soft ‘heh’ the moment Kunikida accepted his fate and wrapped his legs around Chûya’s waist for both comfort and making carrying him easier. The scene may look a bit comical, given their height difference, but he couldn’t care less and everything pointed out about how Chûya was the same.
(Also on ao3.)
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rockhousejai · 11 months ago
Mickey and Pluto idea I had
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Bonus stuff
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fanotastic · 5 months ago
Covid/lockdown has done irreparable damage to dog owner brains.
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genderfluid-goblin · 1 month ago
wip mask !!
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sorry for the bad lighting lmao
it’s gonna be a German Shepherd mask! yippee
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luna-loveboop · 5 months ago
I'm gonna not post anything for linktober today or probably tomorrow bc I'm waiting on the right equipment- all my shiny things are dull and I also need new safety gloves- and the last time I cut myself cutting glass it got infected so. I want proper equipment before I continue :) I'll catch up probably! Or just skip a day or two, but the plan is to catch up. I'm having a lot of fun with this and appreciate all the support :P
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Any fanfictions out there where Ed and Stede DO actually open the inn but Izzy survived so he's just kind of their mascot
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hometoursandotherstuff · 2 years ago
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qroier · 1 year ago
roier cubito loves being a right hand man he loves having someone else that can tell him what to do so he doesn't have to go through all the trouble of being the plan guy and being in charge (even though he'd do a really good job of being in charge if he gave it a chance). if there's an opening to be helpful he's gonna take it especially if it's someone he cares about, cause if it's someone he cares about they'll barely need to ask and he'll already be running off to go and do it
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arwenthegreat · 1 year ago
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Another photo dump of big girl working and being the best dog in general ❤️
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ants-personal · 3 months ago
unable to write my fic but please enjoy the idea of wolf form randy laying ontop of benson to help with his mental breakdown
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seven-oomen · 11 months ago
Exciting news! Found a service dog training institution that's affordable through a donation drive and help from foundations, and my mom who wants to back me up with a loan. And I have an intake on April 9th!
Very excited to see what they can do for me.
9-10K (and 2K for the puppy) is a lot of money, and I will be holding a donation drive for a good chunk of that money. But it's not impossible to fundraise a good chunk of that.
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x22817 · 5 months ago
Ya'll are never going to believe it! We went to Walmart! AND I got a great walking heeling whatever you want to call it video!
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I REALLY want this goofy blow-up witch! I'm so surprised with how much cute Halloween stuff they have. We are definitely going back and possibly actually buying stuff
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